Select Page

Welcome as our partner or friend!
Please use the form below to register your accommodation.


Important note at registration :
* For foreign companies a valid intra-Community VAT number is required, if you are not in possession of one, 21% VAT will be charged, you can add this amount to your costs.
* Max 20 photos and send them via to

I send the form below. What will happen afterwards? 
As soon as you have entered the information and sent it to us, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail together with the invoice that you can pay via the bank. As soon as the invoice has been paid, our editors check the data sent and start the layout. You will receive a trial based on the subscription formula you have chosen. After approval, we will publish your accommodation.

If you have any questions please contact us by mail or phone +32 16 22 00 87.

By filling in this form you accept our terms and conditions :


Best regards,
Kristel Peeters
SmartMoves bv
Nieuwstraat 28
BE-3360 Korbeek-Lo